My Ping in

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Guest post at Dream Sequins - Fannie Schiavoni

The lovely Deanne at Dream Sequins is away on holidays (lucky girl!), and generously offered me (and other bloggers) the opportunity to write a guest blog post, you can read mine here on the amazing Fannie Schiavoni...I want every single piece of hers, such gorgeous works of wearable art...

Thanks to Dianne of The Swelle Life for generously bestowing the 'Divine' award to me!

In adherence with this award, I must list my five guilty pleasures...drumroll please...

5. Taking pictures of food at restaurants. I get funny looks, and today at dinner the waitress asked me what my pictures were for (I also took a picture of the 'specials' on the board, and she thought I was an industrial restaurant spy, even though I'm on the VIP list and get emailed the specials anyway). I do not care (although I will blush furiously when asked, because I love taking the pictures and reliving my meal afterwards)

4. Singing along to music in my car (especially Carpenters, and 'Diva' music)

3. I also listen to an 'old people's' radio station most of the time (I do like the oldies), my friend is horrified and calls it a 'grandma' station...

2. Re-watching snippets of Twilight on my computer

1. And like Dianne's, my number guilty pleasure is shopping! And I get as excited in a good menswear/homewear/furniture/fine food store as I do at fashion stores for myself..

And now, I would like to pass on the award to these Divine bloggers:

1. Nathalie at Dress Your Day with Dreams (who's birthday is coming up soon!)

2. The Photodiarist

3. Romeika at A Room of One's Own

4. The Glamourai

5. Kira at Kirafashion

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