Gap navy roundneck tee with white fine stripes (bought in Paris for around 2 euros)
Cue black pinafore with bubble hem & empire waist
Birkenstocks beige sandals (Hehe, I know! Hurt my back recently, so have had to use these to work)
Bic pens holding my hair up in a bun
Do you nap a lot?
Sadly no.
Who was the last person you hugged?
My hubby.
What’s your current obsession/addiction?
Dries Van Noten (more so than usual)
Which item from your closet are you wearing most lately?
Sass & Bide Harem pants (they’re my equivalent to ‘jeans’ at the moment)
What's for dinner?
Lentil soup with vegetables (I could live on soup, love it!)
What was the last thing you bought?
Dries Van Noten beaded/sequinned dress and the same dress in plain fuschia silk.
What are you listening to right now?
Deniece Williams 'Free' (I love ‘old school’ music).
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Teletransportation (beam me up Scotty! First to London, then Brazil!)
What is your favorite weather, and why?
Summer in Brazil so I can relax by their beautiful beaches, having said that I like mild winters so I get to wear coats and/or layer up...
What time do you usually get up?
6:50am (yep, hate it)
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Keeping sane, haha!
Say something to the person who tagged you:
You write with such eloquence, abandon & warmth, it is impossible not to want to befriend you, you will have a blast at Uni ;).
If you could have a house–totally paid for, fully furnished–anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
Ooh, tricky, either an apartment in Marais (Paris), or an island/house off of Parati (my favourite town in the whole wide world).
Favorite vacation spot?
Can I pick two? Brazil or Europe, hard to pick.
What is your favorite item of clothing?
ITEM (singular)? Ooh, so hard! Will pick my wedding dress, as I wish I could hang it on a wall (and have only worn once)...
Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is overflowing with a zillion others:
Havaianas (if they count as 'shoes')?
Name one thing you cannot live without:
The internet - lets me Skype my sisters in London & parents in Brazil, and they & my hubby mean the world to me, and shop too!
What time is bed time?
Usually around 11pm.
If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow morning, where would it be?
In London with my sisters, miss 'em like crazy!

I would like to tag with the questions above AND pass this award to:
And I would love to tag EVERYONE WHO'S READING TO ANSWER these Q's here, as I'd love to find out more about YOU:
Para todos que estao lendo agora, adoraria se pudestes responder estas perguntas, pois gostaria muito de saber mais sobre VOCE:
1. How did you first arrive on my blog? Como achou meu blog?
2. Who are your favourite designers? Quem sao seus estilistas favoritos?
3. How old are you (if you don't mind my asking)? Quantos anos tem?
4. Are you studying/working? If so, in what? Trabalhas ou estudas (em que area?)
5. What country are you from? De que pais es?
6. What would you like to see more of on this blog? De que gostaria de ver mais aqui?
7. How would you describe your style? Como retrataria seu estilo?
8. For those with outfit shots/blogs, how do you take your pictures (inc. what camera)? Para todos que tiram fotos para seu blog do que esta usando, como tira as suas fotos (e com que camera)?
Have fun! I look forward to getting to know more about you!
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