One year ago I decided to have a go at creating my own blog, to share my love for what I find beautiful....

I wanted to thank you all who have dropped by (especially to those who have said hello) in the past year, I have had so much fun here, 'met' so many amazing people, and have had the chance to share what I love and/or find beauty in...
I did this in a previous post, but thought I'd do this again, as I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers last time (for those who have previously answered, please feel free to answer again, have added a few extra Q's):
I'd love to find out more about YOU:
1. How did you first arrive on my blog? Como achou meu blog?
2. Who are your favourite designers? Quem sao seus estilistas favoritos?
3. How old are you (if you don't mind my asking)? Quantos anos tem?
4. Are you studying/working? If so, in what? Trabalhas ou estudas (em que area?)
5. What country are you from? De que pais es?
6. What would you like to see more of on this blog? De que gostaria de ver mais aqui?
7. How would you describe your style? Como retrataria seu estilo?
8. What was the last thing you bought? Qual foi sua ultima compra?
9. Oops. Repeat question, sorry guys!
10. What are your favourite foods? Quais sao suas comidas favoritas?
11.What are your fashion dislikes? Que moda nao gostas?
12. What is your favourite vacation spot? Qual e seu local favorito para ferias?
13. What are your favourite pair of shoes? Quais sao seus sapatos preferidos?
14. What is your favourite piece of clothing? Qual e sua roupa favorita?
15. What is on your wish-list?
Have fun! I look forward to getting to know more about you!
Any questions you would like to ask?
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