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Ciao a tutti ;) qualche giorno fa mi è arrivato un invito inatteso ;) per partecipare al FASHION FILM FESITVAL LA JOLLA, in California ;) di Luglio 2013,ecco questi eventi si che fanno gola e sono davvero una dimostrazione di stima, statunitense nei miei confronti ;) se per l' estate 2013 avessi in programma un viaggio negli USA, ma credo che opterò per mete più economiche a meno che io non vinca al super Enalotto ;) Fred Sweet che mi ha mandato l' invito non mi ha chiesto di parlarne sul blog ma io mi sono sentita di farlo, per gratitudine e perchè questa non è la solita notizia estrapolata dai magazine, vi passo solo notizie che ritengo davvero valide per gli appassionati di moda e non solo. Detto cio' sottolineo che preferisco sempre ricevere inviti come questo rispetto a banali ed impersonali comunicati stampa che puntualmente cestino ...
Il festival si propone di premiare produzioni cinematografiche che hanno come tema la moda, sotto vi metto l'elenco con il link diretto se per caso qualche regista leggesse il post ;) il termine ultimo per sottoscrivere è il 3 giugno.
Al di la' di tutto, anche se non siete addetti ai lavori, ma avete in programma di andare in America a luglio 2013, potete cercare informazioni e prenotare un biglietto ;)
che ne dite ? qui i link :
al prossimo post ;) Amy
Best Picture – to producer
Best Director – to director
Best Cinematography – to cinematographer
Best Hairstyling – to hair stylist
Best Makeup – to makeup artist
Best Production Design – to responsible party
Best Fashion – to wardrobe stylist or responsible party
Best Designer Fashion – to fashion label
Best Music – to musician
Best Animated/Multi Media – to artist
Best Independent Production – to producer
Best Editing – to editor
Best Creative Concept – to producer or responsible party
Best Visual Effects – to special effects director
Best Art Direction – to art director
Best Story – to writer
Best Actor in a Leading Role – to actor
Best Actress in a Leading Role – to actress
Rising Star – to director
Best Film by a Major Label – to fashion house
Best Director – to director
Best Cinematography – to cinematographer
Best Hairstyling – to hair stylist
Best Makeup – to makeup artist
Best Production Design – to responsible party
Best Fashion – to wardrobe stylist or responsible party
Best Designer Fashion – to fashion label
Best Music – to musician
Best Animated/Multi Media – to artist
Best Independent Production – to producer
Best Editing – to editor
Best Creative Concept – to producer or responsible party
Best Visual Effects – to special effects director
Best Art Direction – to art director
Best Story – to writer
Best Actor in a Leading Role – to actor
Best Actress in a Leading Role – to actress
Rising Star – to director
Best Film by a Major Label – to fashion house
Check the Submissions Page for how to submit your film
I'VE Been recenlty invited to La Jolla Fashion Film Festival in California ;) i don' know if i'll have the chance to go there, but is you are organizing a trip in USA, and you love fashion and cinema, you can find these information useful ;) and glamourous ;)
give a look and thanks to Fred Sweet for invitation !
"La Jolla Fashion Film Festival is the First International Fashion Film Festival Founded in North America.
Home of International Fashion Film Awards
An industry event
Mission: Empower, Support, & Recognize The Individual Creative Professionals Who Make Up The Fashion Film Community Worldwide
LJFFF 2013 will, once again, be the world’s largest gathering of fashion film professionals.
LJFFF 2012 was by all accounts a spectacular success. With over hundreds of fashion filmmakers from around the world in attendance, the packed theater of 500 attendees was enthralled by the top 1% of fashion films produced worldwide.
From our neighbors in Hollywood to the fashion capitals of the world, we came together once again to network, attend seminars & panels, screen films, go to press receptions, participate in After Parties, and win awards.
The films that made it into the final program represented some of the most brilliant and creative directors in filmmaking today. Curated from the dynamic and the exploding world of fashion film, are a glimpse of what’s trending in the minds of the world’s top fashion houses, designers, and stylists interpreted through the lens of their filmmaking counterparts.
For LJFFF 2012 we introduced the Red Camera Award. We are honored that Red Camera chose the LJFFF to be one of its premiere engagement points with film directors worldwide. New York based director Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri won the prestigious RED Camera Award of a new RED Epic.
This year, in support of our mission to empower creative professionals worldwide, we are introducing the International Fashion Film Awards (IFFA) at La Jolla Fashion Film Festival.
Through it’s Official Selection, Nomination, and ultimately Award Winning process, creative professionals worldwide will be exposing their work and abilities to an all-star International Jury of experts, and global audience. A time tested way to ignite careers and expand opportunities.
“From now on the brilliant work done by makeup artists, hairstylists, art directors, editors, musicians, wardrobe stylists, writers, and others will be nominated and have the opportunity to win awards. These awards are for the best in the world and cut across national boundaries and cultures. Thanks to the global reach of LJFFF everyone is included no matter where on earth they live or work.” All creators in the fashion film industry are welcome to submit.In today’s economic environment highly skilled and creative individuals need to distinguish themselves in the marketplace. The IFFAs are an affirmation of authentic excellence by a global audience.
Deadline for submissions is June 3, 2013.
Creative professionals whose films are accepted for nomination can look forward to having their name, work, and film put into the Festival’s worldwide media coverage including press releases, websites, event activities, and many of our fashion media sponsors including magazines, blogs, and more.
The winners will be announced Academy Awards style on Saturday night July 27, 2013.
We are looking forward to receiving your film submissions.
Submissions for nomination are open in the following categories:
Best Picture – to producer
Best Director – to director
Best Cinematography – to cinematographer
Best Hairstyling – to hair stylist
Best Makeup – to makeup artist
Best Production Design – to responsible party
Best Fashion – to wardrobe stylist or responsible party
Best Designer Fashion – to fashion label
Best Music – to musician
Best Animated/Multi Media – to artist
Best Independent Production – to producer
Best Editing – to editor
Best Creative Concept – to producer or responsible party
Best Visual Effects – to special effects director
Best Art Direction – to art director
Best Story – to writer
Best Actor in a Leading Role – to actor
Best Actress in a Leading Role – to actress
Rising Star – to director
Best Film by a Major Label – to fashion house
Best Director – to director
Best Cinematography – to cinematographer
Best Hairstyling – to hair stylist
Best Makeup – to makeup artist
Best Production Design – to responsible party
Best Fashion – to wardrobe stylist or responsible party
Best Designer Fashion – to fashion label
Best Music – to musician
Best Animated/Multi Media – to artist
Best Independent Production – to producer
Best Editing – to editor
Best Creative Concept – to producer or responsible party
Best Visual Effects – to special effects director
Best Art Direction – to art director
Best Story – to writer
Best Actor in a Leading Role – to actor
Best Actress in a Leading Role – to actress
Rising Star – to director
Best Film by a Major Label – to fashion house
Check the Submissions Page for how to submit your film "

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