My Ping in

Kamis, 12 April 2012

TECHNICOLOR JEWELS by STUDIO H X 3, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
Ciao! tra le passioni più irresisitibili per me ci sono i colori fluo e i bijoux alternativi, che ho scoperto per la prima volta durante la mia stagione a Lisbona, vedendo quelli bellissimi di Fernanda Pereira. Gli accessori che vi propongo oggi hanno un un design pop, tipico di Rio de Janeiro o di Los Angeles.  Avete presente l'estetica di quelle metropoli fantastiche? 
I BIJOUX di STUDIO H X 3,  hanno un twist particolare, sembrano saltati fuori da un video di L.M.F.A.O per le loro forme e cromie, ma sono perfetti anche con un look più bon ton, ce ne sono di tutti i tipi, anche in colori scuri e classici, ogni tipi di donna troverà qualcosa in questa collezione per rendere speciale il suo look, io mi porterei a casa tutto!!!
Voi cosa preferite?

Siccome vi ho accennato di LMFAO, ecco il video di PARTY ROCK allegro come STUDIO H X 3!!! A presto! Amy

Hi! again  fluo colors and new bijoux, that i've started to love in Lisbon, seeing Fernanda Pereira collections.  STUDIO H X 3 jewels have a pop design, something about Rio de Janeiro or Los Angeles. Have you ever been there? 
BIJOUX by STUDIO H X 3,  have a particular twist, they seem to come from video set on L.M.F.A.O for their shapes, but are perfect even with bon ton outfit, there are many proposals, neon, black, metal...every woman can find something to rock her clothes, me i'd buy every single thing!!!
Whart do you prefer?
Here is the video of "PARTY ROCK"by L.M.F.A.O,  funny as STUDIO H X 3!!! See you soon! Amy, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAIN BRACELET, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAINS EARRINGS, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAINS EARRINGS, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAINS EARRINGS, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAINS EARRINGS, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
MULTICHAIN BRACELET, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,
FLUO NECKLACES, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,, fluo bijoux, fluo jewels, italian fashion bloggers, amanda marzolini, fashion blogger, thefashionamy, trend forecasting site, fashion stylists, italian fashion blog,

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2012 © Thefashionamy

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